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Sugar beet pulp is extracted grounded sugar beet and it is the by-product of processing sugar beet. Sugar beet pulp is used for cattle feed.








Yugagroprom Co.,Ltd is a young and dynamically developing trade enterprise which deals with trade of agricultural production and specializes on supplying of high quality export variant of  granulated sugar beet pulp with good parameters of humidity, saccharose and granules' size.

Cooperating with Russian sugar factories  during all period of the activity, the company provides many agricultural enterprises and wholesale markets. The company delivers production across Russian Federation and has the  partners abroad as well.

During  the period of  sugar beet processing, the company carries out large deliveries of molasses and granulated sugar beet pulp by means of  railway and motor transport from the enterprises of the South of Russia.

Yugagroprom Co.,Ltd has carried out a number of export transactions which let us  win trust and respect of our partners.

The company's goals are: keeping  of leading positions in the market, increase in a share of the market, increase of a level of financial well-being. Step by step Yugagroprom Co.,Ltd  reaches  it due to increase the efficiency of its activity, high professionalism of the staff, constant aspiration to development.

The staff of  Yugagroprom Co.,Ltd  has a long-term  experience in sphere of trade of sugar beet pulp  and other products of  sugar beet processing  and guarantees a high level of service and mutually advantageous cooperation.

The company can offer its  clients high quality of service, reasonable prices, reasonable terms of orders’ fulfulment and also a wide spectrum of accompanying services.

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